masks, pandemics, define 2 types, perhaps 3, WHO


i am fuckikng pissed that i’ve had to learn anything about masks and pandemics. so much ink has been spilled, so many arguments and detailsd fucking analysis of wevetyy related to maks by those that no fucking little about the subject,. how ab nout we have the fuckng WHO or UN defe4ice 22, perhaps 3..
i;’ve wirtten musch on this elsewhare. should condencse into0 a let to the next idiot that wants to argue abourt maks ks.

also, isnm;’t it fuicking amazing we can (at least the USA) distribiute N-95 maksa now, whjen there’sd little fuckling nweewed for thjem?  and they have a strategic reserve ~750M.  by the timne p[eople start recing them, ~mid Feb, pandemic will likely have become very low risk.  ‘ course, what if we see another, deadlyiert version?  two more weeks, to a month before we’ll knoiw.

is therre any better indicatio r of the usa and prob canada failure in prevenitg c19 pandemic than free masks and tests are now being made avail by the gov.t using such odd systesm as the post off ice to deliver same? well, at leasty in usa.

what is estimate of all the freedom convoy motion and groups yerlling, sure, they’re outside, but a lot of yelling and close gerojps might

which leads to me idea that masks should be simpligfied. I for one am tired of thinking aobot maks, arguing about makst, rw\\ loose terminaolgy clotch, procedure surgical one mask 2 msasks, fibre size, virus size for fuck sake tell me whihc of the two very well defined and know worldwhide as one of two levels (maybe three, but noi fuckng more///1/0 . who sez “this is a level 1 pandeidmc , we get out out level 1 pandemic masks. perhaps hese are equiv to KN95? or maybe a bit less to keep costs down>
them aa level 2 mask is for when the shit hits the fan. somethingh worse yhan c19. wjhere everyone is seeing death. just before zombie level. at whuhc point we grab out level 2 masks which mght be the next up from n95 now.
obvs this needs to be better thought out. buy the point is, ebery nows when a lwevel 1 mask is. anyone can produce them. and well manbanged ountries will properly stockpile them, rotate stock, as required to ensure the supplies

suggest my mask simplification idea to who.
the WHO, that’s wh

– on mask simokcity:
“One thing this pandemic has taught me: there’s a lot of confusion around masks and health. It should be simplified. Define two masks for general public use. Type 1 = Simple Cloth. Type 2 = N95. CDC sez “MONKEY-COVID-EBOLA-24 is a Pandemic Type 2. Level 2 masks now in effect.”

This simplicity immediately gets masking started at the start where it matters most. Massive stockpiles of these two types ensure availability. Public IP, so no royalties. And we can keep track of expiration dates to ensure they’re used up before going to waste, and to restock as required.


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